Genicanthus Angels: The True Reef-Safe Angels, Part 1
Dec 22, 2018 · Genicanthus semifasciatus (Kamohara, 1934)--Japanese Swallow Angelfish or Masked Swallowtail Angelfish Genicanthus spinus (Randall, 1975)--Pitcairn angelfish Genicanthus takeuchii (Pyle, 1997)--Spotted Angelfish Genicanthus watanabei (Yasuda & Tominaga, 1970)--Blackedged Angelfish or Watanabei Angelfish This concludes Part 1.
Watanabei Angelfish | Reef2Reef
May 9, 2023 · Is it better to have watanabei angelfish in pairs or threes or by themselves? I have a 130g display and was wondering if I cannkeep a male and female in there. Also do they have issues with tangs?
Experience with Watanabei Angelfish | Reef2Reef
Apr 1, 2022 · I was wondering what your guys experience is with Watanabei Angelfish? Do they do well once established? I know alot of fish are but is cyanide used for capture? I have read they are deep water fish. Should I be concerned with temperature my tank is at 78 degrees? I am entertaining the idea...
Genicanthus Angels: The True Reef-Safe Angels, Part 2
Dec 29, 2018 · Seawitch submitted a new Article: Part 2: Genicanthus angel species details – fish that are available to buy in the ornamental fish trade. In the first article, I discussed some general information about the Genicanthus angels. And what distinguishes them from their …
Watanabei Angelfish QT Treatment | Reef2Reef
Mar 8, 2023 · Hello All. My very first post on R2R so thanks for having me! I have a pair of Watanabei Angelfish on order and should arrive in the next 4 weeks. My new fish QT method I have used with past success is first to temperature/tank acclimate, then a 5-minute freshwater dip with matching PH RODI...
Watanabei Angelfish | Reef2Reef
May 6, 2016 · I already have flame angelfish. If I add Watanabei, will they fight? It's 120 gallon tank with 9 fish (5 YT damsel, Tomini, yellow tang, maroon clown and flame angel). Is Watanabei hardy fish and reef safe? Will they eat dry food like pellets? I …
Watanabei angel reef safe? | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater and …
Aug 11, 2021 · Are Watanabei angels reef safe? gordoncheers; Jan 31, 2025; Reef Aquarium Discussion; Replies 1 Views 114 ...
Watanabei Angelfish caution | Reef2Reef
May 20, 2018 · I know this has been all over the boards with angelfish being reef safe or not. I will say that not all angelfish are reef safe and always buy with caution. I was very hesitant in buying an angelfish for my dominant SPS tank. Went with the Wantanabei as they are considered reef safe. Well think...
Watanabei Angelfish - Jumpers? | Reef2Reef
Aug 14, 2022 · Wish-Fish-list: 1 Koi Scopas, 3 Reef Safe Angels (consisting of 1 Watanabei Male and 2 Bellus Females), 2 Bella Gobies and 2 more Bimac Anthias. 5 of those fishes are tough to obtain. So i may have to wait a while before staring on corals. Ohh joy!
EMERGENCY - Watanabei Angelfish Swimming Upside Down
Dec 2, 2015 · Hello. I just noticed my female Watanabei Angelfish this morning swimming upside down. She was fine on Saturday, but we were gone yesterday so I'm not exactly sure when this started. She ate well on Friday (Frozen LRS Reef Frenzy and flake). All other fish in the tank are doing well. 210 gallon reef Nitrate: 12 PPM Nitrite: 0 PPM Ammonia: 0 PPM