Any idea what is eating my sweet potato vine? - Dave's Garden
Jul 30, 2012 · The large holes are probably from paperwasps, they bite the leaves, chew them up and make paper for their nests. The damage is pretty much aesthetic and wasps eat bugs so I …
Sweet Potato Vine leaves turning yellow? - Dave's Garden
Dec 27, 2003 · i've got a sweet potato vine (not sure of the variety) that someone gave me as a cutting about 4 months ago it's lived in a glass of water on my bathroom window since i got it …
Is it OK to put sweet potato vines in compost pile? - Dave's Garden
Oct 18, 2009 · Just came across these posts while searching about composting sweet potato vines. Glad to hear it is okay as I have a 'small' pile I am composting :-) I am hoping I can find …
Growing and Propagating Ornamental Sweet Potatoes: Save them …
Feb 21, 2010 · Ornamental sweet potatoes are very forgiving. If you goof and let the roots dry up, just put the tuber in a fresh glass of water and it'll start growing again. Little nubs will soon …
The Whitestar Morning Glory - Dave's Garden
Sep 28, 2019 · For those of you who are unaware, the morning glory and the sweet potato are from the same botanical genus: Ipomoea. Sweet potatoes are Ipomoea batatas , while other …
Ipomoea, Ornamental Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato Vine 'Margarita'
Makes a great trailing/bedding plant/groundcover here in Boston. Vigorous and fast-growing, it can crawl or trail 7' or more in a season....
Beginner Gardening:Do ants eat sweet potato leaves? - Dave's …
Jul 28, 2012 · Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.
Sweet Potato Vine as a houseplant? - Dave's Garden
Sep 26, 2008 · I cut my sweet potato plant back, took off the bottom leaves. Then diped the leaves in clorox water(1tsp to a gal. water, to get rid of any bugs). Put them in a jar to root, (in …
My sweet potato vines keep dying! Help! - Dave's Garden
Jun 28, 2007 · I have been pinching the "dead" leaves off but they just grow back with the same thing. Little by little, my sweet potato vine is being reduced and I'm afraid in the end it'll just …
Morning glory v sweet potato! - Dave's Garden
Oct 29, 2006 · Ok so i have ornamentals of both but they don't survive the winter here. So if i could cross them like simply heavenly blue with blackie i could have a perenial with great blue …