Rhetorical question - WordReference Forums
Jan 14, 2011 · Yes, these two questions can have answers (all questions do, rhetorical or not), but what decides if the other person should give an answer or not (the point about anticipating …
Tag question - ..., yes? ..., no? ..., right? ..., OK?
Aug 3, 2005 · Rhetorical (adj.) 4. Designating a question asked only to produce an effect or make a statement, rather than to elicit an answer or information. Chiefly in rhetorical question. 1958 …
Are tag questions rhetorical? - WordReference Forums
Feb 6, 2017 · Hi akuptsov.hse, if we accept the Longman definition of a rhetorical question: "a question that you ask as a way of making a statement, without expecting an answer", then I …
Does a rhetorical question require a question mark?
Apr 23, 2007 · After all a rhetorical question isn't more than a question not expecting an answer, made for rhetorical effect, ie. probably in some quasi-dramatic context. It sounds to me, …
Rhetorical question - WordReference Forums
Oct 1, 2011 · I don't know if there is a single term that captures all rhetorical questions, but in Quranic exegetis, there are the terms استفهام تقريري (question as statement) and استفهام إنكاري …
rhetorical question -- what type? | WordReference Forums
Dec 23, 2020 · A "rhetorical question" doesn't have an answer. A "question and answer" pair of sentences is not a rhetorical question. Your first sentence is a rhetorical question: "Why would …
Is this a rhetorical question? - WordReference Forums
Jan 5, 2019 · But just because the question is posed as part of a rhetorical style doesn't mean the question itself is a "rhetorical question" in the strict sense of the term. As Fowler puts it, a …
Hindi/Urdu: Rhetorical question? - WordReference Forums
Oct 1, 2011 · Interesting question QP SaaHib! The current / official term is supposed to be خَطِیبانَہ سوال = rhetorical question. میں اس اصطلاح سے كلی طور پر مطمئن نہیں ہوں! شاید اس سے بہتر كچھ نہ ہو اور …
Rhetorical questions - WordReference Forums
Jan 12, 2009 · It is interesting that Japanese lyrics use a lot of rhetorical questions, metaphor, simile and parallelism, though. An example of Japanese lyrics using rhetorical question can be …
If you ask me... rhetorical? | WordReference Forums
Jul 24, 2015 · Is the phrase "if you ask me" rhetorical? example: Person A: Obama is a bad president Person B: If you ask me, he's done a great job so far Is the above "if you ask me" …