Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Home
Thousands of area school children come to the mill and nearby log cabin for a day of learning about history. We also host family groups, bus tours, community groups, etc. If you are …
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Home
Want to explore information about the Pine Creek Grist Mill, or read more about grist mills in general? This resource offers information about our mill's history, as well as general …
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History of the Mill
Pine reek Grist Mill is located in Wildcat Den State Park near Muscatine, Iowa. The mill sits on Pine reek, a small tributary of the Mississippi River, and is about one mile from the Mississippi.
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Home
“The mission of Friends Pine Creek Grist Mill is to restore, operate and maintain the Mill and to share the historical significance of the site through educational programs, public tours, and …
Pine Creek Mill is a restored working Mill where visitors can experience their pioneer heritage. It is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is thought to be the oldest WORKING grist mill …
after Nye’s death in 1852 the mill’s new owner replaced the wheel with what was then a “state of the art” modern cast iron water turbine like the one presently in the mill.
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Home
Pine Creek Bridge The 1878 bridge is one of the most visited spots in the park. It’s the place to come if you enjoy a beautiful view, the sound of rippling water, or just the quiet of nature.
Pine Creek Grist Mill
The Friends of the Pine Creek Grist Mill group was organized in 1996 with the express purpose of romoting the restoration, renovation, and the heritage of the Pine Creek Grist Mill.
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Contact
If you are interested in joining the Friends of the Pine Creek Grist Mill, our meetings are the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM, from April through October. We meet at the Muscatine …
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill | Home
Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill P.O. Box 1205 Muscatine, Iowa 52761. Hours Closed until spring.