Looking rich, old money aesthetic, and their like : r/beauty - Reddit
Sep 9, 2022 · Not to mention- the “old money” aesthetic is inherently linked to white privilege & really pushes the idea of wealthy, white, blonde haired, blue eyed waspy women being the …
I tried "old money aesthetic" outfit. What do you think - Reddit
REAL old money owns nice things but wears them casually. The occasional wrinkle in an expensive garment, the scuff on the $400 shoe, or the watch your grandfather brought back …
What's *not* the Old Money Aesthetic? : r/NavyBlazer - Reddit
Without getting into my personal history too much, old money aesthetic goes hand-in-hand with attitudes and rules on civility. These rules are tough to learn and more difficult to follow if you …
Old money aesthetic : r/NYCinfluencersnark - Reddit
The real “old money” aesthetic, is (a) not being wasteful, (b) having nice things and taking care of them as to make them last longer, (c) not overtly having designer logos everywhere, (d) …
What do people still get wrong about the ‘old money ... - Reddit
Feb 9, 2023 · Agreed. It’s not supposed to represent what actual old money wears, it’s an idealised aesthetic inspired by preppy and the old-timey Ivy League aesthetic. Real old money …
Female Equivalent For the "Old Money" Look? - Reddit
It's all about being appropriate, wearing the varsity of a well-known school that had lots of old money students and actually not standing out. There was a YouTube topic about this from …
“Old money” trend : r/unpopularopinion - Reddit
Apr 11, 2023 · keeping this "old money" aesthetic going, or the cheap imitations they shove onto tiktok, is a form of dangling an aspirational carrot in front of what employers and central …
The “old money aesthetic” is taking over TikTok and Pinterest - Vox
Aug 25, 2021 · These people are striving to be seen in first class while old money, if it flies commerical, hides in the lounge until the last minute. They exist in neighborhoods not meant to …
Yet another awful Gen Z trend: the “old money” aesthetic
Aug 27, 2023 · The problem is that the old money aesthetic is an EXTREME form of every standard that already exists. All of these old money types are 6’2 minimum, not simply “tall”. …
songs that remind you of the old money aesthetic?
Nov 10, 2021 · Maybe not so much old money as 'aging glamourous socialite who mixed with high society', but The Divine Comedy's 'A Lady of A Certain Age' came to mind for me. (Plus it …