Town of Lowndesboro - Home
Though diminutive in size, Lowndesboro maintains a rich tradition and a contagious community spirit. Mayor: Anne P. Spooner. Town Council: James Adams, Connnie Blair, Mark Callis, Jerry Ingram and Caswell McCurdy. Town Clerk: Zoe Wheeler. Certified Water Operator: Wynn Ellis
Town of Lowndesboro - History and Venues
Lowndesboro, which had its beginnings before Alabama became a state, is a small residential community located off US Highway 80, in Lowndes County, Alabama. With the cessation of the Creek Indian War (1814), Anglo-Saxon pioneers from Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas poured into the newly opened territory to seek their fame and fortune in ...
Contact Us - Town of Lowndesboro
This sites hosts the Annual Fourth of July Celebration, and is used by the citizens of the Town of Lowndesboro for everyday recreation. Send us an email! Fill out the Form below and it will come to our email.
Virtual Tour - Town of Lowndesboro
Take a step back in time as you enjoy a small sample of the Town of Lowndesboro Historic District in this Virtual Tour. The Town of Lowndesboro has been listed on the National Historical Regisiter since 1973.
Town of Lowndesboro - Calendar of Events
Town of Lowndesboro A Nationally Designated Historical District Town of Lowndesboro 100 North Broad Street ... Lowndesboro, AL 36752 United States ph: 334-278-3434 fax: 334-278-3110 townoflo ...
History - Town of Lowndesboro
Marengo was built in Dutch Bend, Autauga County, Alabama, by Dr. Charter Campbell Howard. He married in 1848 and by 1854 Dr. Howard was desirous of improving his lot in life as well as his medical practice. He moved to Lowndesboro bringing his wife, his children and his house!
Lowndesboro Heritage Celebration
Lowndesboro Heritage Celebration Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Lowndesboro, Alabama
Events - Town of Lowndesboro
Lowndesboro- Enjoy a three part series of presentations commemorating the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 and the Creek War. Through history, archaeology, and a study of historic illustrations, scholars will interpret the significance of events surrounding the war and portray the culture of a Creek Nation that impacted American expansion.
Water System - Town of Lowndesboro
The Town of Lowndesboro Water System has approximately 379 customers and has been in operation since 1969. A new well was added to the water system in 2008, and the Town is currently working hard to make improvements in communicating with our customers and continuing to provide quality water service.
History - Town of Lowndesboro
current location in Lowndesboro. The Lowndesboro Town Hall is currently located at Marengo. Entrance and parking are at the rear of the house. The main house and grounds is rented for weddings and events coordinated by the Lowndesboro Landmark Foundation.