ICU One Pager
One of the most important things we do in critical care is manage pain and anxiety while avoiding delirium. Here’s a #OnePager summary of how I assess, prevent, and treat each of these …
Transvenous & Epicardial Pacers — ICU One Pager
Jan 22, 2021 · External cardiac pacing is a technique for temporarily treating brady- and tachydysryhthmias in the ICU. This #OnePager covers the basics, including types of pacing …
Index — ICU One Pager
Critical care education one page at a time. Simple, free, & open source. Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.
ECMO Fundamentals — ICU One Pager
Jan 14, 2021 · Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is the most advanced life support modality available in the ICU, able to provide oxygenation and CO2 removal (VV ECMO) as …
Hypoxia & Hypoxemia - ICU One Pager
Dec 6, 2020 · Understanding Hypoxemia (low oxygen in the blood) & hypoxia (low oxygen in the tissues) is a fundamental part of critical care.
Renal Replacement Therapy — ICU One Pager
Feb 17, 2021 · Renal replacement therapies are commonly used in the ICU to remove excess fluid and clear the blood of endogenous and exogenous toxins. This ICU OnePager explains …
Acid/Base Interpretation — ICU One Pager
Acid base abnormalities are ubiquitous in the ICU, and sometimes multiple can coexist at the same time. This OnePager outlines a stepwise approach and differential diagnosis for each …
Undifferentiated Shock - ICU One Pager
May 11, 2021 · Rapidly determining the etiology of shock is a core ICU skill, requiring integration of physiology, history, exam, and POCUS. This ICU OnePager provides a framework for …
Lactic acidosis - ICU One Pager
Jan 25, 2021 · Lactate and Lactic acid are frequently used (& oft misunderstood) labs in the ICU. This OnePager reviews the physiology of why/how we produce lactic acid and breaks lactic …
Vasopressors — ICU One Pager
Critical care education one page at a time. Simple, free, & open source. Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.