Home - Bere Island
Feb 16, 2021 · Bere Island lies at the entrance to the magnificent Bantry Bay and guards the deep water harbour of Berehaven, in West Cork, in the southwest of Ireland. The island is just 2kms …
About - Bere Island
Bere Island lies at the entrance to Bantry Bay, sheltered by the Caha Mountains on its northern side, and the Sheep’s Head peninsula on its southern shores. It’s nearest mainland town is …
Ferries - Bere Island
Bere Island is situated 120km west of Cork City on the Beara Peninsula in West Cork. It is a 2 hour drive (directions below) from Cork City and is only accessible by ferry. Bere Island is …
Visit - Bere Island
Despite its proximity to the mainland, Bere Island retains that distinct, easy charm of rural places distant from cities and crowds.
Walking - Bere Island
Wherever you walk on Bere Island, the views back across Beara, the Slieve Miskish and the Caha mountains are simply breathtaking. Walks begin at both ferry points: Rerrin village (East End) …
Bere Island Heritage Centre - Bere Island
The Bere Island Heritage & Information Centre is the focal point for the conservation and enhancement of the island’s rich heritage. It is home to The Bere Island Experience Exhibition …
Bed & Breakfasts - Bere Island
People of Bere Island Martello View A new and spacious B&B in Cloughland with views of the Martello Towers, Berehaven Harbour, Hungry Hill and the Caha Mountains.
News - Bere Island
The Bere Island Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) will soon be discussing energy conservation and generation in relation to the Energy Master Plan which is currently being …
Island Life - Bere Island
Bere Island is a modern island, anchored in a time gone by, of quiet country lanes, a place of calmness and tranquillity with community at its heart. A world removed from the frantic rush of …
Bere Island Heritage
Bere Island’s rich heritage spans a timeline from the Bronze Age to the emerging Irish Nation of the twentieth century, but its heritage is not just the physical presence on the island landscape …