Ukrainian and NATO military leaders tend to agree on what is needed but politicians are less able, or willing, to understand the requirements for victory against the Russians. There are also ...
Soldiers have been fighting the Arakan Army/AA rebels in the area since mid-2019 and periods of active combat have been increasingly common in the last few months. Not a lot of casualties but enough ...
South Korea has become the seventh nation to use Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles or SLBMs. The second version of the KSS-III submarines featured a number of firsts. They were non-nuclear, the first ...
January 3, 2025: Since the 1980s Iran has spent nearly $20 billion to establish and maintain a presence in Syria and Lebanon. In the last few months of 2024 all that was lost, along with billions of ...
January 4, 2025: The USN/U.S. Navy is the most powerful in the world and has been that way for eighty years. That primacy is now threatened by the American inability to maintain an adequate number of ...
To paraphrase the poet Petrarch's summary of the enemies of peace: human fear, avarice, anger, pride and ambition frustrate solutions. After WWII, major powers attempted to appease, buy off, ignore, ...
January 7, 2025: At the end of 2024 China launched the first of a new class of 41,000-ton Type 076 LHD amphibious assault ships. These are larger than the previous Type 075 LHDs, and the first ...
If they do not order using firepower to keep civilians and enemy infiltrators away from your troops, then he has to suffer losses when the enemy infiltrators get behind friendly lines and begin ...
January 6, 2025: Last year Ukraine established the Unmanned Systems Force or USF. Ukraine built 1.5 million drones in 2024 and a smaller number in 2025 because more long range drones were needed. This ...
January 3, 2025: Many countries and international organizations have urged Israel and their Palestinian neighbors to make peace and establish an independent Palestinian state. None of these proposals ...
January 4, 2025: Attack an opponent's food supplies and weaken your foe substantially. Since the 19th Century, use of chemical fertilizers, and the ability to mass produce ammonia and nitrogen based ...