Cultural traits — the information, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and practices that shape the character of a population — are ...
Over the past three years, SFI has hosted an annual Complexity-GAINs school in different locations in Europe. The two-week-long programs, each focused on a unique theme, introduced Ph.D. students to ...
Extraterrestrial and artificial life have long captivated the human mind. Knowing only the building blocks of our own biosphere, can we predict how life may exist on other planets? What factors will ...
Half a century ago, economic research took a little-noticed yet dramatic departure from the study of concepts most people might be familiar with from Econ 101. The field shifted from an almost ...
Cultural traits — the information, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and practices that shape the character of a population — are influenced by conformity, the tendency to align with others, or ...
Half a century ago, economic research took a little-noticed yet dramatic departure from the study of concepts most people might be familiar with from Econ 101. The field shifted from an almost ...
In the final episode of the season, Abha sits down with Melanie to hear her perspective. They chat about Melanie’s career and research with Douglas Hofstadter, the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach. They ...
The rise of complexity theory, an interdisciplinary field studying the emergent behavior and patterns of the interactions of simple (and not so simple) components, has been one of the most important ...
August 1972 saw the publication of Philip Anderson’s essay ‘More is different’. In it, he crystallized the idea of emergence, arguing that “at each level of complexity entirely new properties appear” ...