Scientists have used whole genome sequencing data from Norwegian infants to identify a genetic variant that almost totally prevents jaundice in 1 in 8 ... | Genetics And Genomics ...
There are millions of people around the world who deal with chronic itching with no clear cause, or chronic pruritus of ...
Inflammation represents a long-conserved biological process characterized by the release of chemical messengers that regulate ...
An image by the Danish army shows the site after the landslide and subsequent mega-tsunami. | Earth And The Environment ...
For the past several years, millions of birds around the world have been killed or culled because of a highly pathogenic form ...
A study published in the Journal of Medical Toxicology compared incidents of adverse Delta-8 effects in states with and ...
Drug overdoses involving illegal opioids, hallucinogens, stimulants, and sedative psychotropic medications rose by 356% in ...
A new poll shows that 21% of people aged 50 years and up used cannabis in the last year, with 12% taking the substance at ...
Babies born to mothers with an unhealthy diet have an increased risk of heart disease and metabolic issues. | Cardiology ...
Our immune systems generate antibodies that neutralize and help eliminate foreign pathogens. These antibodies or proteins are generated by specific immune | Health And Medicine ...
The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a major obstacle that limits effective cancer treatments. Various cells around the tumor promote immunosuppression and | Immunology ...
A review published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found a slight increase in the risk of Attention ...