The Jewish Book Council (JBC) has named “Chaim Weizmann: A Biography,” coauthored by Brandeis President Emeritus Jehuda Reinharz, Phd’72, H’11, a finalist for this year’s National Jewish Book Awards.
Rev. Dr. Brandon Thomas Crowley urged the Brandeis community to reclaim the true legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Brandeis ...
Nothing captures the vibrant student community at Brandeis International Business School quite like the Global Gala. This unforgettable event offers students a chance to connect through a fashion show ...
Fasting is an important spiritual practice in many religions and is observed during Yom Kippur, Ramadan, and Lent. Here are a few tips to consider for a healthy and spiritually fulfilling fast!
The Post-Completion OPT Information Sessions are presented on Zoom multiple times during the academic year. These sessions are valuable for students who are interested in working temporarily in their ...
Collecting feedback from students about halfway through the semester allows instructors to gain insightful, actionable information about how their course is going. Mid-course feedback allows ...