Nella notte tra giovedì e venerdì l’acqua ha continuato a invadere case, strade e campagne dell’Emilia-Romagna e coloro che ...
Un uomo armato di coltello ha pugnalato a morte una persona e ne ha ferito gravemente un'altra a Rotterdam, in Olanda. Lo ...
Ein Neulenker hat am späten Donnerstagabend auf der Hauptstrasse zwischen Frick AG und Eiken AG seinen Sportwagen in eine ...
Israel erhöht massiv den militärischen Druck auf die Hisbollah im Libanon. In mehreren Angriffswellen bombardierten ...
Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben die Schlagkraft der russischen Armee im Gebiet Donezk nach Angaben von Präsident ...
Il colosso della logistica Kühne+Nagel ha inaugurato a Mantova, in Italia, il più grande centro da lui mai creato: uno ...
In der Nacht auf Freitag hat ein Mann in Rotterdam Menschen mit einem Messer angegriffen. Eine Person ist gestorben, eine ...
After some users of the online platform X in Brazil regained access to the service despite a nationwide ban, the Supreme Federal Court is threatening the company with a heavy fine. For every day that ...
1: Olivier Senn was the first employee in the OC after Zurich won the bid. Despite his routine, the 54-year-old experiences hectic days. "The wealth of details that need to be clarified keeps me on my ...
Nike nomina Elliott Hill, veterano della società, come nuovo amministratore delegato al posto di John Donahoe. L'annuncio ...
Un brano musicale finora sconosciuto composto da Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart quando era probabilmente adolescente è stato ...
The previous boss John Donahoe will remain on board until the end of January as a consultant to ensure a smooth handover, Nike announced. Nike had appointed Donahoe, who had previously led the Ebay ...