Creww, a company specializing in open innovation programs, announced on the 6th the establishment of a new company, Creww Capital, which will focus on CVC support and fund management. The new ...
Regional Fish, a pioneer in genome-edited aquaculture, announced on December 26 that it has raised a total of ¥4.07 billion (approximately $25.3 Million) in its Series C funding round. The funding ...
TRUST SMITH, a company dedicated to creating businesses leveraging AI and robotics technologies, announced the launch of TRUST SMITH & CAPITAL on January 1. The firm plans to establish a ...
FUNDiT, a company specializing in M&A and rollups of small to mid-sized IT businesses, announced on December 30 that it has secured a ¥960 million loan from Mizuho Bank. Additionally, it has ...
ゼロワンブースターは、大企業の新事業開発やスタートアップの協業を支援するサービスを提供している。同社代表取締役CEO合田ジョージ氏は、近年の社内ベンチャーを取り巻く環境の劇的な変化についての分析を示した。2018年頃は「とにかくまずやってみよう」とい ...
2024年9月に設立された同社は、今後「弁護士AGI」の開発を通じて法務サービスそのものの革新を目指すとしている。既に企業法務分野で長年の経験を積んだ弁護士3名が在籍しており、弁護士、エンジニア、リーガルクラーク、営業、コーポレート担当など、全職種で ...
元サッカー日本代表の本田圭佑氏が率いるベンチャーキャピタルX&KSKは4日、第1号ファンドとして総額約153億円の資金調達を完了したと発表した。三井住友銀行、SBIグループ、GMOインターネットグループ、東急不動産をはじめとする金融機関・事業会社、さ ...
ForestFolks, a company specializing in forest management through carbon credits, announced on the 26th that it has secured 15 ...
MabGenesis, a biotechnology company specializing in antibody drug development, announced on the 24th that it has raised 470 million yen (approximately $3.2 million) in its latest funding round.
Starley, the developer of voice conversation AI app “Cotomo,” announced on the 25th that it has raised approximately 200 million yen through a third-party allocation of shares to investors including X ...
Turing, a developer of autonomous driving systems, announced on the 25th that it has raised 1.02 billion yen in a pre-Series A extension round through investments from JIC Venture Growth Investments, ...