As the price of eggs continues to climb, one state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would repeal Michigan's new law ...
The owner of The Apothecary Kitchen points to the bird flu and a new state cage-free law for driving up prices ...
In the culmination of a yearslong process, the DNR will handoff the grayling eggs to the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, ...
As the price of eggs continues to climb, one state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would repeal Michigan's new law ...
You, like most Michiganders, are likely incensed over the cost of eggs. $4.59 for a dozen at my local Kroger store — and that ...
Egg prices have continued to rise — and shoppers are routinely discovering sparsely filled or empty egg coolers at ...
Last month, many stores put signs in their egg cases to explain that as of Jan. 1, most eggs sold in Michigan had to be from ...
On May 12, the Oden State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center will host a ceremony to signal the start of the next phase of the ...
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Bird flu is forcing farmers to slaughter millions of chickens a month, pushing U.S. egg prices to more ...
Logging, overfishing and competition from non-native trout wiped out Michigan’s Arctic grayling population nearly a century ...
Here & Now 's Peter O'Dowd speaks with Michigan state representative and dairy farmer Jerry Neyer about the impact of bird flu on dairy farms in Michigan and how it's causing the price of eggs to rise ...
Eggs are just the beginning. Who will hurt if this happens? Everyone. No more will Michigan and Detroit serve as a global hub ...