Boman Irani's directorial debut 'The Mehta Boys' is all set to be out on OTT. Avinash Tiwary, Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup will be seen in the lead roles along with Boman Irani. As per the makers, ...
The Art Gallery of South Australia’s Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art and Artistic Director of Tarnanthi, Nici Cumpston OAM has announced that after seventeen years at AGSA, she ...
Fiji Police confirmed the woman was intoxicated and causing a nuisance to passengers on board the flight. She has been charged with one count of unruly passenger behaviour under the Fiji Civil ...
Yohji Yamamoto showed a lineup of quilted outerwear at Paris Fashion Week, sending messy-haired models slowly down the runway, enveloped in chunky jackets and long overcoats.
We love music festivals as much as you do. Music Festival Wizard is dedicated to covering the scene, the experience, and the music with news, lineups, reviews, and commentary. See you this summer ...