The Chottanikkara police unearthed a grim discovery on Monday evening when they found human skeletal parts, including a skull ...
A human skeleton, including a skull, wrapped in a cover, was discovered inside a refrigerator in a house in Kerala that had been locked for 20 years. Police are investigating the possibility that the ...
Police believe Herb Baumeister targeted gay men and buried at least 25 victims on $1 million Indiana estate in the 1990s ...
In Kerala’s Kochi, where a human skull and bones were recovered from a refrigerator in an abandoned house located in the ...
The remains, found inside a plastic cover near a private laboratory, were noticed by people cleaning the area.
It's been decades since thousands of human bones and bone fragments were unearthed on a suspected Indiana serial killer’s property ...
Police in Kerala have found human remains, including skull and bones, in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Kochi. Local ...
The Chottanikkara police discovered a human skull and bones stored in a fridge inside an abandoned house near Kochi, Kerala.
KOCHI: A human skull and bones were discovered from the refrigerator of a deserted house in Chottanikkara during a police ...