The High School Musical film series chronicles two high school students, Troy Bolton, captain of East High School’s basketball team (Wildcats) and Gabriella Montez, a shy top student. Both of ...
The actor, who now appears on Tyler Perry's 'Sistas,' says he and Efron shared similar interests as teens on the sets of the Disney movies Alexandra Schonfeld is a features writer at PEOPLE.
A young adult adaptation of Phantom of the Opera is in development at Disney+. The original Gaston Leroux novel is set in ...
School theater departments are gearing up for spring musical season, with student casts starting rehearsals, set and costume ...
It is 11:23. We're back now. Next week. Greendale High School is performing the musical 6. It tells the story of the wives of Henry the 8th, but with the twists. Joining me now are Jeff Schetzky ...