Meet Edgar Allan Crowe and Lindy, two African Pied Crows from Silly Safaris, as they explore the fascinating world of problem-solving and social behavior.
It's difficult to know what birds "think" when they fly, but scientists in Australia and Canada are getting some remarkable ...
A Jurassic pterosaur fossil, known to paleontologists for over 160 years, isn’t a new species. It is an odd specimen of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri.
The Golden Raspberry Awards, commonly known as the Razzies, have announced their nominations for 2024's worst films and filmmakers, with a five-way tie for the most (dis)honors per movie. The ...
A family in Japan taught their pet crow 'Happy' how to talk, allowing it to use several simple words. The family demonstrated ...
RANST, Belgium — Belgium's once pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: Drones swoop over lofts where valuable ...
A sprawling cemetery on Chattanooga's Missionary Ridge where Ed Johnson was laid to rest after he was lynched on the Walnut Street Bridge in 1906 has been nominated to the National Register of ...
I find it fascinating to think about the heat given off by thousands of crows in trees. We’ve probably all seen the shots ...
We are fortunate to have many beautiful British birds throughout the country. Some visit our gardens, others are found only ...