The first group consists of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. These four are commonly referred to as the Natural Virtues, the Moral Virtues, or the Cardinal Virtues. Faith, Hope ...
There are two ways of reading Romeo and Juliet, one of which is correct, in the sense that it is the way that Shakespeare ...
One of the four Constitutions of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, describes the problems and questions that faced the world of ...
The key principles of Stoicism include focusing on what you can control, practicing the four cardinal virtues of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance, and accepting fate, or embracing events ...
preaching the four cardinal virtues of every day life: prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice. But how good was he at killing penalties? The Huskies allowed two power-play goals on Saturday ...
What benefit a man if he gain the entire world, and lose his very soul?” “Render unto Caesar, what is Caesar’s, and unto G-d ...
As early as the fourth century, the Christian poet Prudentius described the cardinal vices ... by practicing the seven virtues, which are humility, gratitude, charity, temperance, chastity ...