Two new Delhi High Court judges on Wednesday took oath of office, taking the total strength of the court to 37. Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru administered oath to Justices Ajay Digpaul and Harish ...
In August 2024, the Supreme Court collegium had recommended the elevation of advocates Ajay Digpaul, Harish Vaidyanathan ...
The Supreme Court Collegium confirmed the appointment of the Delhi HC judges in August 2024, and Uttarakhand HC judge in December.
Supreme Court said states have enough money to give freebies to people who do no work but they claim financial constraints ...
States have enough money to give freebies to people who do no work but they claim financial constraints when it comes to paying salary and pension to judges of the district judiciary, the Supreme ...
The CEC conceded that it was difficult to define what a "freebie" is and that the Election Commission's "hands are tied" as ...
Kumar, at a press conference to announce the schedule of the Delhi elections, said any minor errors, such as technical ...
The Supreme Court's newly constituted bench will, on January 9, consider the pleas seeking a review of its October 2023 verdict that declined legal s ...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to examine a plea over the alleged irregularities in the BPSC exam held on December 13, 2024, and the consequent police action on protestors.A ...
ITAT Mumbai held that notice for re-assessment proceeding under section 148 of the Income Tax Act issued on a non-existing entity i.e. merged entity is void ab initio and hence is liable to be quashed ...
The BPSC exam row deepens as the Supreme Court declines to hear a plea on irregularities, and suggest to High Court.