Sonic the Hedgehog 3" introduces a powerful addition to the colorful bunch — Shadow the Hedgehog (Keanu Reeves). The film focuses on Shadow’s backstory and sudden awakening after a 50-year stasis.
In a major push into animation, media tech investment firm Stars Collective is partnering with Shanghai-based El Pajaro ...
The Sonic movies feature some amazing characters who are constantly producing hilarious and poignant moments with their unforgettable quotes.
For a long time since the release of “Super Mario Bros.” in 1993, video game movies were usually flops. However, in the new era of computer-generated imagery and animation, things have changed. Maybe ...
From FPS to RPG, we’ve rounded up some of the best new PS5 games from the last couple of months that you need to play right ...
There are action sequences, plenty of clever puns (Gromit reads “Virginia Woof”), and sweet messages about real human (or animal) connection and work being more satisfying than any “smart” device.
The “Sonic the Hedgehog” movie franchise has had quite the history. In 2019, jokes about the poorly-received first trailer ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 spent less time on human characters like Wade and Wachowskis, and it was arguably a better film than ...
If you had told me years ago that we would have not one, but a whole trilogy of Sonic movies (And that they were good, AND ...
After the release of “Sonic The Hedgehog 2,” legendary actor Jim Carrey hinted that he was planning on retiring, jesting he ...
The Sonic movies have had a series of great characters, both CGI and human, and there are plenty of others yet to be added!
However, for those who haven’t played the games, this only scratches the surface of new characters that can ... Rose is basically confirmed for Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Big the Cat is too good ...