Humans are causing enormous damage to the Earth, and about one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction ...
On a brisk Saturday morning in late September, Tali Caspi stood behind an information booth she had just set up on the sandy shoreline of Crissy Field near the East Beach parking lot. It was draped ...
Pemba Island’s Ngezi Forest Reserve, a complex of moist evergreen and coastal forests, mangroves and heathland in the ...
The increased frequency and size of conflagrations like those burning in LA threaten even species that evolved with wildfires ...
Polar bears are one of the most majestic, yet fearsome animals on the planet. The largest living species of bear and the ...
How exactly these extinct creatures had sex has proved something of a mystery - but now an expert sheds light on this most prehistoric of intercourse.
Cricket frogs, native to Virginia and North Carolina, demonstrate an incredible ability to skitter across water surfaces, ...
Weighing less than a nickel, a shrew can eat 7 pounds of slugs and insects in a year!
Uncover the truth about early human diet. New research suggests our ancient relatives may not have been avid meat-eaters as previously believed.
Explore ten of the most colorful snake species, including the Milksnake, Corn Snake, Green Tree Python, and Rainbow Boa.
Woodrats survive on toxic creosote plants by copying detox genes, producing more enzymes to break down plant toxins and avoid ...