Anna Kelly, MD, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine You would use a neti pot whenever there's any sinus or nasal congestion, and it can be used anywhere from once a day to once a week. Phara Brown ...
At this time of year, many people suffer from sinus inflammation, congestion and various respiratory infections. Can rinsing ...
Dozor, a professor of pediatrics and division chief of pulmonology, allergy and sleep medicine at New York Medical College, ...
You should use the neti pot as needed for congestion unless you have a sinus infection. Just remember to always fill it with saline or sterile water and see your doctor if your congestion lasts ...
Seasonal allergies can be a major nuisance but there are plenty of natural remedies that can help soothe your symptoms and ...
There are many unpleasant aspects of the cold winter season, and chief among them is the havoc it can wreak on sinuses. Even ...
Pour the mixture into your neti pot, squeeze bottle ... can help loosen up the mucus in your nasal cavities to relieve congestion. But it's not quite as fast—or effective—as nasal irrigation ...
Nasal congestion is a common symptom of winter ... until your nose feels more comfortable. Using a neti pot can help flush mucus from your sinuses and nasal passages. (Getty Images) Some people ...
Higher levels of nitric oxide can also improve oxygenation in your body. By humming a few minutes every day, you can exercise ...
Nasal congestion is a common symptom of winter illnesses and while ... until your nose feels more comfortable. Some people swear by a neti pot to clear their sinuses. A neti pot is a small container ...