SURABAYA | – Ulama sufi dari Turki, Syeikh Assayid Prof DR Muhammad Fadhil al-Jailani (cicit dari ulama sufi Syekh ...
Muslim and Arab American voters in the U.S. face an uncertain political future as President-elect Trump prepares to take office later this month. Long considered a reliable part of the Democratic ...
She was believed to have helped Jotiba and Savitribai establish India’s first school for girls in Pune and was regarded as the first Muslim woman teacher in India. The school at Bhide wada in ...
A Muslim inmate allegedly tried to kill five “kuffar” prison officers and shouted “Allahu Akbar” before one of the attacks, a court heard. Aklakur Rahman, 38, is accused of repeatedly ...
As the second most popular religion in the world, Islam is practiced by millions of people across the planet, including some of your favorite rappers. Though rappers ...
Indonesia boasts the world’s biggest Muslim population. Plenty of Japanese use the mosque to pray, officials said. “We hope to make this mosque a place that all Muslims feel free to visit ...
A self-described atheist and ex-Muslim, Taleb was granted asylum in Germany. Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen, a 50-year-old psychiatrist originally from Saudi Arabia, was identified as the suspect in the ... – Depok – Rumah Hijabers Depok adalah Gerai Supplier Baju Muslim/Muslimah Anak dan Dewasa yang berlokasi di Pengasinan Sawangan Depok Jawa Barat. Rumah Hijabers Depok bergerak di ...
Bukhari). Lebih lanjut dijelaskan dalam buku 'Buku Harian Orang Islam: Agenda Syar'i Muslim/Muslimah Teladan Sepanjang Tahun' karya Ustadz Abdullah Faqih Ahmad Abdul Wahid, berikut bacaan dzikirnya: ...
Salah satu ghirah umat Islam menyambut datangnya bulan suci Ramadan adalah diselenggarakannya Pameran Muslim Lifefair untuk kesekian kalinya di tahun 2023 ini di Jakarta. Event Muslim Lifefair tahunan ...
Di Indonesia, tradisi taaruf sudah cukup berkembang terutama di kalangan muslim yang taat. Beberapa variasi pelaksanaan taaruf yang umum dijumpai antara lain: Taaruf melalui orang tua - Orang tua ...