A tragic incident unfolded late on Friday evening on Bhoothnath Road, under the jurisdiction of Agamkuan police station, when an oxygen cylinder exploded while being unloaded near a private hospital.
The minister, Marat Karabayev, did not say the oxygen-tank explosion caused the fiery crash that killed 38 people on Christmas Day. Some analysts have blamed Russia for the crash, saying it likely ...
The explosion created a mushroom cloud and a shock wave, causing confusion and panic among people in the area. “Oxygen cylinders were being unloaded near the hospital when the explosion occurred.
Patna: A worker died and an attendant of a patient was seriously injured in an oxygen gas cylinder blast outside a private hospital in the state capit.
Springfield police and firefighters are investigating an oxygen tank explosion that killed one person in the Six Corners neighborhood Tuesday morning. Springfield police and firefighters are ...
they refer to the dispatcher's statement about the explosion of an oxygen tank on board the plane, Rostov, the Minister of Digital Development and Transportation Rashad Nabiyev told journalists ...
An oxygen tank explosion inside an Azerbaijan Airlines passenger jet is believed to have caused the crash of Flight J2-8243 on Wednesday in western Kazakhstan, according to a report by News18 ...