The man killed in Sunday night’s violent rampage by a suspect who investigators said intentionally struck four people with his car was a sergeant stationed at MacDill Air Force Base, authorities said.
Aboard Air Force One, while en route to view wildfire devastation in California, President Trump signed a series of executive ...
Every so often, Lake City resident Virginia Harju reaches for a stack of cards and handwritten letters she has received from ...
The letter "Political Genders" was one amazing Trump apologist piece. It put forth a Biblical gender-based defense of Donald Trump, claiming his "masculine traits" are God-given, shared by all males.
Attallah College’s Master of Arts in Counseling and Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling provides training for candidates who wish to work as professional school counselors from ...
With Jimmy Carter’s recent passing and Trump’s tenure as president beginning, it’s a good time to look at what was and what might be relative to renewable energy. President Carter’s term ...
It has long been the custom in the United States that when a city or state suffers a natural disaster or its citizens are victims of a tragedy, our nations responds to help those in need.
I’m an 8th-grade student swimming for SwimTulsa out of the Union 6th and 7th Grade Center. Every summer at the height of the swim season, we have to move to a different pool and our coach.
The rodeo clinic fundraiser, which benefits the Arizona Foundation for Cancer, will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, ...
Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name, address and daytime phone number.
I note that the writers of the front-page article, "This city's people get back up," about then-President Joe Biden's visit to New Orleans after the terror attack ...
As a Traverse City resident, I am alarmed by the environmental threats posed by Enbridge’s 70-year-old Line 5 pipeline and its proposed oil tunnel. This outdated infrastructure risks irreparable ...