Lava Iris mobile was launched in November 2012. The phone comes with a 3.20-inch touchscreen display. Lava Iris is powered by a 1GHz one-core processor. The Lava Iris runs Android and is powered by a ...
Lava M20 mobile was launched in July 2011. The phone comes with a 2.20-inch display offering a resolution of 240x320 pixels. Lava M20 is powered by an one-core processor. The Lava M20 runs Proprietary ...
Following an early listing last week, the Honor X7c is now official, complete with a detailed spec sheet and pricing details. The device boasts a 6.77-inch TFT LCD with HD+ resolution and a... Back in ...
How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...
It's hard to find a phone that meets every need. However, it is important to check whether it runs the latest software version before picking one. Most of the smartphone OEMs are now launching ...