The satirical film follows a crew of astronauts aboard the titular space vessel twenty years into its mission as they kill time in the great unknown while on a mission to destroy rogue planets.
IT is unusual for Karachi to receive heavy rains in the month of January. It happened on the night of Jan 14, 1975 because of which the low-lying areas of North Nazimabad, particularly Block F ...
With a weekly newsletter looking back at local history.
Happy New Year 1975! Halfway through this iconic decade was marked by a series of significant cultural, political, and technological events that left a lasting impact on Australia and the global ...
RAWALPINDI: Foreign Secretary Agha Shahi said today [Dec 11] Pakistan wanted that not only should the Indian Ocean ...
New Year's Day events in Seychelles is turning into the next big thing. It used to be the case most of the businesses in Seychelles closed down on New Year's Day but those days are long gone.
Q: What is 50 Nepalese Rupees in Seychelles Rupee? A: 50 Nepalese Rupees buys 5.415 Seychelles Rupee at interbank exchange rates.
Q: What is 50 Kenyan Shillings in Seychelles Rupee? A: 50 Kenyan Shillings buys 5.79 Seychelles Rupee at interbank exchange rates.
was predicted months ago on a popular podcast by Joe Rogan. Firefighters are struggling due to staff shortages and budget cuts. High winds and the topography of LA have exacerbated the fires ...
CNN At a commission meeting just last month, Escobar told LA city officials that short staffing ... “You’re not supposed to make me cry,” Escobar, a 35-year veteran of the LAFD, told to ...
In the last days of the Biden administration, a gallon of regular gas is more expensive than a year ago when it was $3.072. The latest fuel pricing point is a sign that gas prices are headed in ...
The Indian Ocean stretches from WA to the east coast of Africa and offers a wealth of islands, many with white-sand beaches ...