Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were spotted at Mumbai airport. While interacting with the media, the actor asked the paparazzi to not disturb the sleeping Dua by making noises.
Taking to his Instagram handle, Orry shared some inside pictures from a birthday party, where Sara Ali Khan and her rumored ...
The Hindi dubbed version of Marco has fetched Rs 65 lakh on third Tuesday. Headlined by Unni Mukundan, it has emerged as the highest grossing Malayalam film of 2024.
The latest reports suggest that Varun Dhawan and his wife, Natasha Dalal, purchased an apartment in Juhu for Rs 44.53 crore. Read to know the full story here!
When Ellen DeGeneres pulled a prank on Taylor Swift in 2009, the latter had a near-death experience. However, the talk show host called it one of the best pranks of her show!
Shraddha Kapoor enjoys a wonderful time with her loved ones, looking stylish and chic in her denim-on-denim outfit.
An FIR has been lodged against actress Hansika Motwani and her family on grounds of domestic abuse by sister-in-law Muskan ...
Hrithik Roshan's upcoming movies include several big banner projects set to entertain the audiences. Scroll down to know more about them.
Chaahat Pandey and her alleged secret relationship has been all over the social media. Here's what the recent reports claim.