Lennon once said that he felt the Fab Four had to fabricate themselves a bit in order to "leave Liverpool." Find out why, ...
John Lennon was quick to get angry in his youth. His friend recalled one fight that really rattled the musician.
We're dipping into the Far Out Magazine vault to take a look back at one Rolling Stones song that John Lennon called bullshit despite working on it ...
In honor of Elvis Presley’s 90th birthday, here’s what John Lennon, Keith Richards, and other rock legends said about his influence on them.
Noel's latest career move, announced today (January 8), comes as little surprise then. Before Oasis reunite for a huge world ...
John Lennon was never afriad to speak openly about his former band once they split, but before that, he felt they all compromised on their truth.
During the break up of The Beatles, Paul McCartney spent a lot of his time at his farm in Campbeltown, Scotland. When John ...
The disharmony and bad mood among the band during the sessions for 'The White Album' had a big impact on the recording of ...
The book, We All Shine On, is easily the truest account of John and Yoko that’s ever been written. There are no dirty secrets ...
In today’s roundup of musical history, we highlight a well-spoken gentleman who helped provide the soundtrack to the sixties.
I tried to get away from our dark political reality with Dylan and ‘yacht rock’ and more—but music movies couldn’t shield me ...