Richard Perry, renowned music producer and Jane Fonda's ex-boyfriend, passed away at 82. He succumbed to a cardiac arrest at a hospital in LA on Tuesday. Perry was perhaps most known for his work ...
Jane Fonda, left, and Richard Perry attend the Pasadena Playhouse ... decades-long secret by revealing exactly which ex-boyfriend Simon was singing about in "You're So Vain." ...
Jane Fonda. According to People magazine, the duo began dating in 2009 and separated in 2017. Associated Press reported that Richard Perry's demise was first announced by his friend, Daphna Kastner.
Legendary record producer Richard Perry—who was nominated for seven ... Sisters’ “Jump (For My Love)” also dated actress Jane Fonda from 2009 to 2017. SIGN UP for Parade's Trending News ...
Famous music producer Richard Perry, who shared an 8-year romance with Jane Fonda, has passed away at 82. The visionary behind Carly Simon’s You’re So Vain and Rod Stewart’s The Great ...
Richard Perry, the prolific music producer ... Well-connected with high profile celebrities and musicians, Perry dated Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda and briefly married the actress Rebecca Broussard.