A court has heard that Aklakar Rahman, 38, had made repeated attempts to wound or kill prison officers. One of Britain’s most dangerous inmates has been convicted of a string of attacks on prison ...
An inmate has been found guilty of throwing a cup of faeces over a prison officer in revenge for losing his job in the jail's ...
A prison where inspectors found high levels of drug use and self-harm has been called "truly squalid" by a prison reform ...
The Howard League for Penal reform said the report raised questions about the leadership of the prison and about the ...
Injury claims made by HMP Bullingdon staff have totalled almost £600,000 in five years, as 'safety concerns' continue.
Since 2014, drones have been used to smuggle contraband into some of the most violent jails. It’s a battle prison staff are ...
Six people have been sentenced for their parts in a drug conspiracy in North East prisons involving a prison nurse ...
Drones could be used to smuggle guns into jails and airlift escaping prisoners, a union warned, after they were branded a ...
Pardoned by President Donald Trump, Sibick ripped the badge and radio from an officer who was pulled into a crowd and beaten.
The latest warnings come after Mr Taylor likened another high-security jail, HMP Garth in Lancashire, to an “airport” because there were so many drones flying in drugs The HM Inspectorate of ...
The recruitment process for prison officers is ‘not fit for purpose’, with officers routinely hired online, according to its ...