Several lawmakers and central bank officials have been questioned. The investigation centres on whether the funds were used ...
EU says that Indonesia is a sovereign state and has the right to decide from which country it imports its oil, even if it ...
President Trump’s executive order could create a “multigenerational subclass of people born in the US but who are denied full ...
Samsung strengthens its position in Indonesia with the launch of the Galaxy S25 Series, capitalizing on Apple's absence.
Anti-corruption agency director says Bank of Indonesia allegedly channeled trillions of rupiah to members of House of ...
Indonesia is set to propose a reduction in trade tariffs to the US as a counteractive measure, in response to anticipated ...
As the world grapples with a failing multilateral system, and as seemingly never-ending crises continue to cause instability ...
Hundreds of civil servants from Indonesia’s Higher Education Ministry reportedly staged a demonstration outside the ...
OrthoLite®, the global leader of branded, high-performance, comfort footwear solutions, appoints Bo Grabowski as Country ...
Critics are calling for the practice to be abolished entirely, citing its discriminatory nature and harmful impact on women ...