Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi on Thursday hit out at Chief Minister M K Stalin for conducting events ‘in a corner of a city museum,’ to honour Mahatma Gandhi’s memory and alleged that the Father of the ...
Today, let us reaffirm our commitment to strive to realise Gandhiji's dreams. His watchwords, truth and nonviolence, will continue to remain relevant for the whole world. He also taught us that rights ...
In her Republic Day 2025 address, President Droupadi Murmu emphasises the ’One Nation One Election’ initiative as a ...
President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday advocated for the "One Nation One Election" initiative, asserting it has the potential ...
She says it has the potential to redefine "good governance" in the country by promoting consistency in governance, preventing ...
President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday advocated for the “One Nation One Election" initiative, asserting it has the potential ...