Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders have scheduled to visit the BJP headquarters on Thursday. According to sources, they will be carrying samples of contaminated Yamuna water from Haryana. AAP has been ...
Dissatisfied with his response, the Election Commission on Thursday asked Arvind Kejriwal not to mix the issue of increased ammonia in Yamuna with his allegation of river poisoning and gave him a ...
If CEC Rajiv Kumar wants to indulge in politics, he should fight from a seat in Delhi,’ said Mr. Kejriwal, referring to the ...
Delhi Police registered a case on Wednesday after intercepting a vehicle labeled "Punjab government," which was found ...
Kejriwal further said that history will never forgive Rajiv Kumar for the irreparable damage he has inflicted on India's democratic system.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the Chandigarh mayoral election on Thursday, securing 19 votes in the 36-member House. Harpreet Kaur Babla, the BJP candidate, has been elected as the new mayor.
Aam Aadmi Party leaders, including Sanjay Singh and Anurag Dhanda, reached the BJP headquarters carrying bottles of Yamuna water.
AAP claim that the water, flowing from Haryana, contains ammonia levels of 7 parts per million (ppm), which is harmful to health ...
AAP has alleged that the water in the river, flowing from Haryana, contains 7 ppm (parts per million) of ammonia, which they ...