Adventure books that will make you forget about going #BacktoSchool In Midnight Sun, (Little ... retelling of the first Twilight novel from Edward Cullen’s point of view. Edward’s voice ...
The saga follows the intense relationship between Bella Swan, a human, and Edward Cullen, a vampire, set against the backdrop of a love triangle involving Jacob Black, a werewolf. To fully ...
A Twilight theory explains why Edward really fell for Bella, improving his character but turning his story with Bella into a tragedy.
The Twilight universe has plenty of lore explaining vampire covens that set up how abundant vampires are in the world.
Netflix announced on Sept. 4 that it will adapt "Midnight Sun," Stephenie Meyer's retelling of "Twilight" from Edward Cullen's perspective. Instead of another live-action film, Netflix has decided ...
Speaking to GQ Spain, Pattinson shared his feelings about the constant hate leveled at the 2008 movie. "I love that people ...
Midnight Sun' tells the story of author Stephanie Meyer's first novel 'Twilight' from Edward Cullen's perspective Twihards rejoice! Fans of author Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga can get ready to ...