An artwork inspired by the Atlantic herring and the grid parking system is to be installed at a new roundabout in Rosslare Harbour with an estimated cost of €150,000. The sculpture will be constructed ...
and slow-growing plankton-eating spring- and autumn-spawning Baltic herring. Photo: Leif Andersson. Atlantic and Baltic herring are typical plankton-eating fish of central importance for the ...
For a small fish, herring has had a big impact on human societies of the North Atlantic. It was “the most remarkable of fish”, according to James Travis Jenkins in his 1927 book, The Herring ...
Intresting case of Punctuated Equilibria sub-speciation in the Atlantic herring. It colonized brakish and very recently fully formed Baltic sea (8 Ka BP). Planktivore turned in to piscivore with ...
The nets are set and pulled with a catch of about 250 000 Atlantic herrings. Everything is done by hand and very demanding. The herrings are shaken from the nets and taken ashore in baskets.