The High School Musical film series chronicles two high school students, Troy Bolton, captain of East High School’s basketball team (Wildcats) and Gabriella Montez, a shy top student.
What if I told you High School Musical 3 was nearly Halloween-themed? Or that the Wildcats were actually Leopards?
Zac Efron was a singing heartthrob back in his Disney days, but not all of his musical numbers were top tier in High School ...
I f you grew up in the 2000s like I did, then you know there will never be a movie franchise quite like High School Musical.
The Series cast has offered glimpses into their dating lives over the years. In 2021, the Disney+ musical drama made ...
Ben Higginson It's been almost 19 years since High School Musical first premiered, but the cast members' relationships off-camera are still going strong — especially for KayCee Stroh ...