"Landman" is a drama series created by Taylor Sheridan, known for works like "Yellowstone" and "1883." The show premiered on ...
Taylor Sheridan's '1923,' with Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren, returns for Season 2 on Paramount+ on February 23.
Billy Bob Thornton remembers the terrible injuries he sustained while performing a stunt in Seagal's 1994 hit.
In the new episode of Rolling Stone Music Now, we discuss the performances of Timothée Chalamet and the rest of the cast in A Complete Unknown, look forward at the Springsteen and Beatles movies, and ...
Paramount+ on Sunday released the official trailer for the second season of 1923. Season 2 of Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone ...
Landman, super-producer Taylor Sheridan 's oil industry drama, wrapped up its first season in January. While Paramount+ has ...