Overall, our conclusion from this latest review update remains that there is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up in mixed population studies.
Subarachnoid thrombolysis is where a clot-dissolving drug is administered to clear the blood after subarachnoid haemorrhage. This may improve outcomes since blood in the subarachnoid space is ...
– Current evidence suggests that calorie (energy) labelling on menus, and on or next to products, leads to reductions in calories selected and bought from food and non-alcoholic drinks. The evidence ...
Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) may reduce the effort required to walk, and increase walking speed and satisfaction with walking in people with calf muscle weakness due to neuromuscular disorders, but we ...
Evaluar la eficacia, la seguridad, y la inmunogenicidad de las vacunas para la prevención de la diarrea por ECET.
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke podcast editor for the Cochrane Library. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of ...
在强直性肌营养不良症中,通过清醒维持测试或多次睡眠潜伏期测试评估的精神兴奋剂对过度日间嗜睡的影响以及对生活质量的影响非常不确定。精神兴奋剂可能会改善 Epworth 嗜睡量表自我评估 ...
我们的综述表明,与未进行训练相比,抗癌治疗期间进行阻力训练对癌症患者的短期 CRF 和生活质量是有益的。抗癌治疗后的阻力训练也可能对短期生活质量产生轻微的有益效果。有关中期和 ...
如果您發現此證據有幫助,請考慮向 Cochrane 捐款。我們是一家慈善機構,提供可獲取的證據來幫助人們做出健康和照護之決定。
Dada a evidência de baixa a muito baixa certeza para todos os desfechos provenientes de estudos não randomizados, baseamos nossas conclusões nas evidências oriundas dos estudos randomizados. Esta ...
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the benefits and risks of early versus late initiation of oral anticoagulation (vitamin K antagonists ...