Magma build-up activity in the region of a huge underwater volcano named the Axial Seamount just 300 miles off the US coast ...
With eruptions in 1998, 2011, and 2015, the volcano serves as a perfect laboratory, and experts expect an eruption by the end ...
While Hawaii is formed by volcanoes, including the highly active Mt. Kilauea, I want to explore an easier-to-reach region: ...
Earth bubbles and broils beneath an underwater peak called Axial Seamount, located 480 kilometers (300 miles) off Oregon's ...
Axial Seamount is a young, 30 million-year-old undersea volcano in the Pacific Ocean off the U.S. coast, and it’s expected to ...
It appears that these magma bodies exist beneath volcanoes over their whole lifetime, not just during an active state.' ...
Small, translucent creatures -- known as sea cherubs -- are washing up along Oregon beaches, and more sightings are occurring ...
It might not have the most inviting moniker, but this underrated state park on an Oregon lake is one of the PNW's great ...