The 32-year-old actress has revealed that when she first started acting, she had no idea how difficult it was to break into the industry. In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Nava explained that ...
The past year’s been a whirlwind for Baby Reindeer sensation Nava Mau, but her path to fame has been anything but ...
We’re in a time that is going to require deep emotion. We cannot bury our emotions, we have to let them course through us, share them with each other and we’re going to have to fight.
The actress, 32, shot to stardom when she starred as Teri in the series - an American therapist who meets lead character Donny (Richard Gadd) on a dating app. Now, as Cosmopolitan's latest cover ...
Baby Reindeer star Nava Mau has said the show’s script was “what I needed to see” because she had “never seen a trans woman represented quite in that way”. The 32-year-old played Teri in ...
Baby Reindeer star Nava Mau has said the show’s script was “what I needed to see” because she had “never seen a trans woman represented quite in that way”. The 32-year-old played Teri in the hit ...