Apple iPhone 6s mobile was launched in September 2015. The phone comes with a 4.70-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 750x1334 pixels at a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch (ppi) and ...
MORE iPHONE 6s RUMORS: Deja vu: New report says the iPhone 6s might have a special kind of glass cover next year AppleInsider points us to a new research note written by Cowen and Company analyst ...
To meet huge demand of new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus on launch date, Apple ordered the A9 processors from 2 suppliers, which are Samsung and TSMC. A report with small sample shows that 70% of iPhone 6S ...
Apple iPhone 6s Plus mobile was launched in September 2015. The phone comes with a 5.50-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels at a pixel density of 401 pixels per inch ...