Marvel has introduced the Avians, a new subset of mutants, and it includes one of the founding members of the X-Men, who ...
Men’s Professor X is dying thanks to a massive secret that he never knew about. Surely this time his illness will stick and ...
The story is deeply personal for LA-based reporters, who have put their lives on the line to cover the devastation in their own communities. “Everyone you know is affected somehow,” says one CNN ...
The strategy they have arrived at to protect their wealth is to direct fear and hostility towards 'the Other' - migrants, ...
From their apartheid-era childhoods to Trump’s inner circle, billionaires Elon Musk and Peter Thiel bring a colonial ‘divide and rule’ mindset to the global far-right project, where the masses turn on ...
Storm is weather-controlling mutant who dates back to comics in the 1970s and was famously portrayed onscreen Berry, now 58.
Writer Joe Casey reveals a Marvel pitch that would have given Charles Xavier's original X-Men new costumes and codenames.