TNO today announced the launch of Scenexus, a new spin-off company specialising in enterprise software for urban planning. Scenexus offers cities and urban planners a cutting-edge ...
As China’s military continues to modernize, it has remained focused on Taiwan; China hasn’t ruled out using force to achieve reunification, and the United States hasn’t ruled out defending ...
The Brazil Visa Application Center (BVAC) operated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Haiti, reminds the general public that the link allows you ...
Wind energy will be the principal part of this, especially at sea. To accelerate the implementation of wind energy, TNO is supporting both the Netherlands’ public authorities and the energy sector ...
She expects that number to climb. On Jan. 8, AFL-CIO announced a reunification with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In 2005, the union representing service and care workers split ...
Reunification is the most common permanency outcome and the route by which most children exit foster care. The path to reunification takes work, commitment, and investment of time and resources not ...
Talking to my neighbors about allowing the Palestinians a state of their own can feel like talking to Americans about a possible reunification with Great Britain (‘George VII will be much more ...