Tens of millions of years after a young pterosaur took its last breath in present-day Canada, paleontologists are investigating its death.
Vishal Subramanyan and Prakrit Jain had never even heard of the rare shrew they would soon spend months chasing. The students were both in the same mammalogy class at the University of California, ...
The brush-tailed bettong once inhabited most of Australia, but these days it lives in a tiny fraction of its former range.
In a darkened forest of central Vietnam, a 2-foot-long creature with “enlarged” teeth climbed through a tree. Its “secretive” lifestyle made it “uncommon” to see, and, when occasionally found, its ...
Belgium is home to diverse wildlife across various habitats such as forests, wetlands, and coastal areas. Key species include ...
Here's a peek at how OKC Zoo watches the weather and prepares indoor enclosures for cold temps. Except for animals like bison ...
Weighing less than a nickel, a shrew can eat seven pounds of slugs and insects in a year! Islanders most often encounter ...
After all of these efforts, they landed on a simple finding: Smaller poops from smaller birds carry very low risk of ...
After years of efforts, rare pea-sized snails found only on the Desertas Islands have been brought back from the brink of ...
Pemba Island’s Ngezi Forest Reserve, a complex of moist evergreen and coastal forests, mangroves and heathland in the ...
Mode 4 is the "easy button." Running Locksmith in Mode 4 will identify all misconfigurations and offer to fix each issue. If there is any possible operational impact, Locksmith will warn you.
Cricket frogs, native to Virginia and North Carolina, demonstrate an incredible ability to skitter across water surfaces, ...