Behind their seemingly ordinary adventures lay a secret mission that changed lives forever and should inspire LGBTQ+ ...
Hannah Kaufman is a young woman beguiled by her grandfather’s fantasy that the Nazis were benevolent when she and the patriarch were transported along with thousands of other Czech Jews to a ...
What of the boy on the swing, the boy with the raisin cookie in his hand? So buoyant in his idealism and his faith in his ...
The genius of free wills has been so stifled by the oppression of dictatorship that Germany’s output of poetry, prose, music, philosophy, art has ... is no secret. Führer Hitler’s own ...
The 2,500-foot-long Vasari Corridor impressed guests of the Medicis and other leaders that followed (including Benito ...
At the Neev Literature Festival, 2024, the American author of children’s books spoke about his love for espionage novels, ...
He said Fischer was having the diaries smuggled in from a secret location in East Germany. But in reality Heidemann was in cahoots with Kujau, who made basic mistakes such as writing Hitler’s ...
By Alex Traub Victor Brombert, a respected scholar of comparative literature who late in life revealed that he had worked for a secret American ... then from Hitler’s Germany; and finally ...
“Paul Celan’s poems reach us, but we miss them,” wrote the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer, giving succinct expression to the ...
She was the opera diva who had a tumultuous and tragic private life, but while these added to her myth, something else ...
It turns out that Machine Games, which mastered the gaming art of slaughtering Nazis in the Wolfenstein series, had plenty of fresh stuff. Sure, Machine Games had to dial down the violence level to ...
Dave Barry is a novelist and a former humor columnist for the Miami Herald. Let’s start with the art world, which over the ...