As of 2024, the Scott Pilgrim franchise has primarily featured in three different mediums: the original comic book series that ran from 2004 to 2010, the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World film that ...
It feels like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was destined to be a cult film. Granted, that’s not what they were hoping for on this budget. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was a flop. To many, it’s ...
Last August, cult movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World celebrated its 10th anniversary. Based on a series of graphic novels, the film also inspired a video game which was released around the same time ...
Watch on DVD or Blu-ray starting November 9th, 2010 - Buy Scott Pilgrim vs. the World DVD ...
Knives and Kim’s relationship in Scott Pilgrim wasn't explored in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World or even the 2023 anime Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, but it’s one of the most satisfying teases of the ...