The new international situation worsens the risks coming from Africa: the activity of Morocco, the alliance of Algeria with ...
A new report describes the Sahel region of Africa, a million mile band that runs through Mauritania to Sudan, as "the epicenter of global terrorism." We examine those findings.
No ano passado, "51% de todas as mortes relacionadas ao terrorismo" ocorreram no Sahel, de acordo com o Índice de Terrorismo ...
The DOGE team has found a treasure trove of programs at federal agencies that can be cut to save tens of millions of taxpayer ...
Morocco on Tuesday urged a concerted and multilateral approach to tackling the global drug problem, emphasizing international cooperation as a crucial tool in the fight against illicit trafficking.
A new report describes the Sahel region of Africa, a million mile band that runs through Mauritania to Sudan, as "the epicenter of global terrorism." We examine those ...
Ele listou como cancelados estudos incluindo “Determinantes sociais e institucionais de vulnerabilidade e resiliência a riscos climáticos no Sahel africano” e “Brigas por comida: narrativas de guerra ...
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